
Showing posts from January, 2017

Another post about driving

I'm sure we've all had some funny experiences while driving... I guess some not very funny ones too.  It amazes me how some days we can drive around and not encounter much, and other days you wonder if it's just you, or everyone else...

It's just a bad day

So following my "pity post" a few days ago (which it really was not), I will confirm that not only had I had a bad day, but a bad week.We all have them. I will again remind anyone (or inform new readers), I suffer from depression/ Adrenal Fatigue. It takes everything out of me, and reduces me a ridiculous mess.  I currently do want to socialize at all and will find any excuse not to mingle. I'm constantly tired. Life has very little meaning. I know it will pass, but for now this is how I feel.  I know how to deal with it, even though I get thoroughly overwhelmed with everything.

Fair Weather Friends

In general I'm much happier these days.  Busier. Hectic, in fact. Life waits for no-one. This week I'm having a particular bad week.  I'm feeling terribly down. Everything is getting me down. Artist unknown. If you know of the artist, please let me know so I can rightfully credit them

Hair we go...

I think my hair has been every colour for the past week. I love experimenting with my hair. Luckily I'm that person who knows that it's only hair - it grows back. A few weeks ago I cut it very short. Along with that, I coloured it bright purple.  I loved it. It suited me.  Then everywhere I went I saw people with purple hair.  I got sick of it very quickly (never mind the fact that it's extremely high maintenance).

Mom, You're one in a Million

Beautiful words... usually. Except this time my son was saying them while shaking his head at me. I had just told him how I had bought something after having an argument with myself. I had just got a fantastic deal, but when inquiring with the seller, I had told her I don't have a husband to argue with about buying, so I'm just arguing with myself to convince myself to buy. My son had said "How do you argue with yourself". Like this: Me: Oh that looks like a really good deal. Also Me: No, Mel, you don't have extra money at the moment, and I'm not sure you really need more beads. Me: But they're all brand new. Worth over R5500 for just R1000. It looks like a really good deal. And my other account isn't looking that bad... Also me: Fine. You win. (Pays over the money). My son's response being the shaking head (perhaps rolling his eyes - he is 12 after all), and the comment "Mom (sigh)... You're one in a million" Thank you ...

We have fairies in our garden

Well... more like in our house. You know when things go missing, but you know you put that item in that particular spot, and now it's gone. Then 10 minutes later (or sometimes even the next day) that item is back in that spot. Regular occurrence in our house. I find this kind of thing happens when I really need a break (often when I've been working on something for a few hours).  I can't find something - usually a needed tool for whatever I'm working on.  After searching for a few minutes, I might make a cup of coffee and sit for a few minutes, or go out for a walk. When I'm feeling a little clear headed I usually find the tool/ item exactly where I'd just be looking. "Oooooh those fairies!!.  Those fairies get blamed for more than what they're usually responsible for, I'm sure. I'm not making this up.  And it's not that I'm not looking properly.  All of us have had a similar experience.  And often we've all looked for said ite...