Hair we go...

I think my hair has been every colour for the past week. I love experimenting with my hair. Luckily I'm that person who knows that it's only hair - it grows back.

A few weeks ago I cut it very short. Along with that, I coloured it bright purple.  I loved it. It suited me.  Then everywhere I went I saw people with purple hair.  I got sick of it very quickly (never mind the fact that it's extremely high maintenance).

So last week I started wondering if I should go red again (my hair has been mostly some form of red for the past 20 years).  Then I came across silver grey. "Before I go red again, let me try this silver grey".

Saturday - I washed as much of the remaining purple out. I tried the silver grey, but it was not going to take over the purple. So I bleached the purple out (didn't really want to - I bleached my hair 6 weeks ago).  I only left it in for a few minutes - until the majority of purple was out.  Made sure I still had hair... then set about mixing the silver grey powder into conditioner.  Spread it over my hair. Left it in 40 minutes. Washed out. Ugh! It was a horrible light "something" colour.  Decided to give it another try. Luckily the colour is non-chemical.  This time mixed it1:1 ration - hoping the colour will take better.  It took this time, but the colour was still anything but silver grey (or close to).  It looked like a dirty mousey colour. Not much more I could do but leave it.

Sunday - hated my hair and was convinced everyone at the shops was staring at my hair.

Monday - Went to work and got some very different reactions. Some saying it didn't suit me, they don't like it... Some saying they much prefer it. Others saying it's very flat - needs some highlights.
Monday night - Washed my hair to try lift the colour. It worked. It was lighter.  But not silver grey

Tuesday - My hair didn't look bad, but came out looking like an Ash blonde with reddish highlights. Starting to get used to it. Looked better than before.

Wednesday - Colleagues were obviously too busy on Tuesday to notice the difference, or it looked different again - most commented that I'd done highlights!?

Thursday - I started to see some strange tinge in the front. Almost green.  Maybe my imagination?

Friday - Somebody looked at me and exclaimed "You've put green in your hair". Nope, but it's obviously there!!
On the upside, one of our regular visitors / drivers arrived at the office looked at me and asked what I did with my hair.  I replied I'm still not sure about it.  His reply "Dayam! It looks hot. Funky". Well that made my day and now I'm not even bothered what it looks like. Ok, I lie... I'm a little concerned.  I've resigned myself to the fact that it probably won't actually work out to be silver grey (I'll try again, and if it still looks a little green, maybe add a touch of purple toner). It won't be the end of my made hair days...


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