Another post about driving

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I'm sure we've all had some funny experiences while driving... I guess some not very funny ones too.  It amazes me how some days we can drive around and not encounter much, and other days you wonder if it's just you, or everyone else...

This morning was one of those mornings.
3 blocks from home, a truck decided it did not need to stop at the stop sign, and proceeded to turn the corner right in front of me.  He had not even looked to see if there was oncoming traffic (there was! And not just me).  I'm still deciding if I should report him - my son took a photo of the truck with full details).

There were no more problems until I'd dropped off my son. Farrarmere is full of 4-way-stops (I think i have a post in the making just about 4-way-stops). I pulled up along with the car opposite me.  We both got there around the same time (he may have been 2 seconds before me).  We both pull off, when he realizes he wants to turn so as he does so (towards me) he puts on his indicator.  I was already half way across, and (for a change) he actually apologized - realizing he was in the wrong.

Moments before the 4 -way incident, a car had pulled out the driveway in front of me. So often when people do that, they take their time... But I casually slowed down and let them go (they pulled off quickly). I didn't give it another thought until much further along my journey.  I realized I had followed this car all along the same street (a rather long one). Encountered incident 4 (to follow). Turned the same street left, then the next right.  And was about to turn the next right too, when they quickly changed lanes to go straight. Only then did I realize it was still the same car perhaps getting nervous about me following them. My evil laugh followed.

Incident 4. Driving along minding my own business... I saw a police car (from the college) entering the "slip" to my left.  Knowing I have right of way, and he should stop for oncoming traffic I didn't change my speed, until he suddenly decided he had right of way (I guess he decided this because of his cop car).  I obviously had to brake.  He did the hand out the window "sorry" thing... or was it "thank you"... Metres later he hits the brake (and so did I). Quickly indicated he's turning into the college (which I had assumed he would do), and again motioned with the hand out the window thing again.

Luckily I do not do the road rage thing.  I loudly verbalize my thoughts while I'm driving, but do not let the anger get to me. It's so much better to make light of the entire situation.


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