About Me

I am a single mother.  I have been for the past 12 years.  I've had boyfriends over that time, but I guess nobody can match my expectations.  The love for my children, and the incredible "mother bear" instincts that come in to play to protect my children always out-trumps any thing else.

I have an 20 year old daughter and a 14 year old son.

I'm a very creative person.  I'm stubborn too.  I'm a "typical Taurus".  I start to feel stifled when I don't have my own space - I NEED my own space.  I like things done my way, and the only way that gets done, is when I do it myself. I suffer from depression and anxiety which sometimes removes me from my social life - I can't deal with people at the best of times, never mind the worst.

I start my day early.  I get up around 5:25.  By 6:15 I'm heading out the door with coffee in a flask and Kayden, my son, to get him to the bus stop on time.  Then back home to get ready - hair, make-up, get dressed, feed dogs and cats and prepare my lunch/ breakfast then out the door again to head off to work  I start work at 8am.  I finish up at 4pm, then the afternoon run-around sessions start.  Fetch my son, back home, dinner etc....
After dinner, I clean up (dishes etc), pack lunches, feed the dogs and cats and bath.  Once the kids are in bed, I can start working on my other business. 

My daughter is a qualified BAA Paramedic. Currently "between" jobs. It's really not that easy to find something in her field for a young woman.
She has excelled in her field. She has done tactical courses where she has been the only female to have completed the course (as in - ever).

In the day I work at a travel agency in the accounts department (I started as a receptionist, for a few months I organized visas, and then finally moved into the accounts department). I also have my own 2 part-time businesses.  Sooper Hoops is a hula hoop business - I make and sell hula hoops, and often run workshops or classes.  However, I recently closed that up - Not that it wasn't making me extra money (it was making a good amount of extra income), I'm just struggling to fit it in my life (I guess it's too much of a reminder and exes - the old me).
My other business is Cara-Mel Handcrafted Jewellery.  I make and sell my own range of jewellery.  I work on both the businesses during the evenings and on weekends (and often sell at markets/ festivals), so I don't really have much time to relax and do nothing. 

I've recently also "retired" from fire dancing. Again, too many reminders of bad decisions made in the past. 
I often wish I had taken a writing course, but so many people talked me out of it... I have since realized not many people know I like to write, or that I've written several fiction stories. I would like to take my writing "somewhere". Not sure where yet, but I'm sure I'll figure it out along the way.

So that's my life summed up in a few paragraphs... Just a glimpse into my life.  I don't always hold it together. I'm not as strong as some believe I am - I put on a tough exterior to protect myself. One thing is for sure: I'm a fighter! I'm not going to just give up.


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