Mom, You're one in a Million

Beautiful words... usually. Except this time my son was saying them while shaking his head at me.

I had just told him how I had bought something after having an argument with myself. I had just got a fantastic deal, but when inquiring with the seller, I had told her I don't have a husband to argue with about buying, so I'm just arguing with myself to convince myself to buy.

My son had said "How do you argue with yourself".

Like this:
Me: Oh that looks like a really good deal.
Also Me: No, Mel, you don't have extra money at the moment, and I'm not sure you really need more beads.
Me: But they're all brand new. Worth over R5500 for just R1000. It looks like a really good deal. And my other account isn't looking that bad...
Also me: Fine. You win. (Pays over the money).

My son's response being the shaking head (perhaps rolling his eyes - he is 12 after all), and the comment "Mom (sigh)... You're one in a million"

Thank you my child, I'll take that as a compliment.

**Later that night** I thoroughly enjoyed going through my latest purchase.  My son (who's the parent here, anyway) laughed at me "you're like a kid with lego".  Best description ever. And so true!! I was digging through the tubs of beads and pulling them out and looking at each piece "oooooh"...


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