We have fairies in our garden

Well... more like in our house.

You know when things go missing, but you know you put that item in that particular spot, and now it's gone. Then 10 minutes later (or sometimes even the next day) that item is back in that spot. Regular occurrence in our house.

I find this kind of thing happens when I really need a break (often when I've been working on something for a few hours).  I can't find something - usually a needed tool for whatever I'm working on.  After searching for a few minutes, I might make a cup of coffee and sit for a few minutes, or go out for a walk. When I'm feeling a little clear headed I usually find the tool/ item exactly where I'd just be looking. "Oooooh those fairies!!.  Those fairies get blamed for more than what they're usually responsible for, I'm sure.

I'm not making this up.  And it's not that I'm not looking properly.  All of us have had a similar experience.  And often we've all looked for said item where it was found in the end.

I've had visitors at the house who have asked if my daughter is home... "Haha, I think you've just caught a glimpse of my Cheeky Sprite"...

We love our fairies, even though we don't enjoy having things hidden from us.  Our latest is our dvd remote.  It's been gone for 3 weeks now, and I'm sure we'll have a good giggle when one day it appears in plain view again.


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