Monday Morning Blues

...or as I was going to call the post - The Dog Box.

Mornings are starting to get a little darker.  I dislike coming to the realization that winter is in fact coming.  I woke up this morning really not in the mood for the day, but knowing I don't have a choice, I got up and got ready.  I need to leave 6:12am - by 6:15 latest to get Kayden to his bus on time.

Start the car.  The car gives me a new message today "STOP".  That can't be good... "Check coolant" it tells me.  "What the heck is coolant?".  Anyway, I run back inside, grab my purse and run back out.  Head to the bus stop - which happens to be at a garage (filling station). While waiting for bus, I noticed the "picture" on the error message was the same as the oil. Hmm, that might explain the burning smell I've been smelling in the car.  Sorted - the oil was indeed empty. Thank goodness I have a car that tells me these things...  Paid the attendant and headed back home for the rest of the morning... hopefully a peaceful morning...

Oh no, that is a long forgotten memory to me.  Peace? Quiet? No idea what that is anymore.

After dropping my daughter at school and trying to make myself look semi-decent at my dressing table, I hear the first sign of that non-peaceful morning.
"Crash" The sound of ... a mug, yip, that sounded like a mug hitting the kitchen floor.
Of course, I was right.  The culprit... none other than Little D.  "The mug fell off the counter" he tells me - like he had nothing to do with it, it just fell. Eventually I get "I touched it with my pinky and it fell", rather than just tell me I wasn't watching what I was doing and I totally missed the counter when putting the cup there.
"Pick up the pieces and go sit down" I tell him sternly. "And put on your shoes".

Not 5 minutes later, Little D is trying to softly coax the dogs out my bedroom.  They don't want to go, so he whispers loudly.
"Go sit down" I bellow with a deep voice.
"K" is his answer as he heads back to the lounge.
2 minutes later, I'm presented with a broken pump.  "I don't know why... I wet it, but it still broke".  But why were you using it, when you've been told not to use it?! "I was pumping my ball".
By this time, there was no more stern voice.  I probably looked like the slobber monster with saliva flying out my mouth.
"Just go sit down!!!"

It takes me forever to do my hair and make-up in the mornings.  Something take should take just a few minutes.  For the second time since I sat down, Koda (my 6 month old gigantic puppy) can be heard chewing on another piece of the broken mug. I stand up for about the 5th time.

I go through to the kitchen... again... to throw it away... Little D is finally sitting on the couch (well, he's spread across the couch, but he's at least on the couch).
I say to him "You didn't get all the pieces, Koda was chewing this, as well as a piece earlier... And why are your shoes not on... Have you brushed your teeth?"
Harrumph (from him not me - he's annoyed?)

I finally got him off to school - now time to finish up.

Yea right
"Crash" - seriously? Another mug?
This time Koda - trying to get a piece of pork fat off the kitchen counter.  That was supposed to be in the bin - last night (by the person in charge of cleaning counters - as I had done 95% of the dishes and all I had asked was to please sort out the counters, last few dishes and the leftovers as I had a pile of ironing to do).

Mug no. 2 - my favourite because it's huge

I chased Koda all over the house yelling at him to go outside.  I eventually got him out and locked the security gate.

As big as he is - he is quite sure he's meant to be a house dog... I have a huge garden, but my dogs would rather be at my feet than outside playing.

Heading out to work (finally), I found my little (big) boy, Koda looking very sad in the dog "box".

Aaaaw, how can I be mad at that face?

Seriously ... look at this face...
Anger finally left, I felt bad to leave this sad little face (he has a natural "sad" face). But as usual, I'm forgiven by my furkids, just as quickly as I forgive them. 


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