Have dogs... will follow

Part of my morning routine these days consists of walking Damian to school.. The reason we walk is because his school is less than 300 metres from the house. Only problem is my dog, Bella.  Bella is 10 years old... She has a little problem with people going for a walk without her.  She finds a way to get out of our yard and follow us.  The very first day I walked Damian, I found her running around sniffing the ground trying to follow me.  We live on a corner stand between 2 extremely busy roads.  From that day on I decided she would have to come with.  Along with Koda, our "Africanis" puppy - now 6 months old (we're not really sure what breed he is mixed with but we've been offered many suggestions - the top few being Labrador, Great Dane, Weimeraner and Boerbull).

For 2 months, we've been walking every morning.  Sometimes it takes a few minutes to cross the road due to the heavy morning traffic, but we get there... and back.  The dogs love their walk (they believe I'm doing it just for them).

One particular morning, it had been raining.  There had been a slight drizzle for a while, so quickly got the dogs harnessed and leased ready to go.  And the rain came down.  Too much to walk in (not a problem for me - I could change my clothes when I get back - I always change into my work clothes after our walk).  But I couldn't get Damian to school sopping wet.

So we chose to drive.  The dogs happily hopped into the car and came along for the drive (which is such a round-about route as there's a solid concrete road island outside the school - so around a block, past another school and back again).  Koda hopped out the car as I opened at the school - luckily the dogs also get leashed when we go for a drive so I quickly caught him and got him back in the car.  Saw Damian off and drove the next few metres back home.

The dogs seems quite content that at least they had got out and about.

I probably made a mistake coming home that day at lunch time.  It was still raining. I usually sit in the garden lapa at lunch time, but did not fancy that idea in the rain.  The dogs were thrilled to see me, as well as sit inside for a few minutes.  When it came time to leave - well you guessed it... they were not happy with me at all.

Being loyal dogs, they followed me out to the car.  I turned on the key and walked to open the gate.  I was not expecting to find THIS on my return to the car:

Deciding that because it's raining and we went in the car earlier... and of course they did not want me to leave, they hopped in the car and refused to budge.  Needless to say I realized I was going to be a few minutes late... Bella hopped out when I called her, but Koda gave me big puppy eyes... I walked around to open the other door, and as he hopped in the back, Bella hopped in the seat he had been sitting in.  I walked to the other side to open that door.  Bella followed me.  Koda moved to the other side of the back seat and Bella hopped in the back too.  This "game" went on for a few minutes - back seats, front seats, back again.  I eventually drove out hoping they'd get out when they realized I needed to go... Not so.  Both in the back seat again.  I gave up on the umbrella I was using. Threw it in the car and climbed in and pulled both dogs out the car.  This time, I closed my front door and as I removed them quickly closed the back door.  Chased them into the garden and closed the gate.  I couldn't help but laugh thinking it must've been the funniest thing to watch, and if my neighbours were lucky enough to witness it, would probably have been the funniest thing they'd seen all week.


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