Wake Up and Make Up

60-something year old Granny to her 18 year granddaughter "Where are you off to?"

"Nowhere, why?"

"Why are you wearing make-up?"

"Because it makes me feel good"

*HUFF* "You kids these days wear far too much make-up"

Granny is wearing make-up, but not going anywhere. Her foundation is so thick she must've used a pallet knife to smear it on - and it's two shades too dark with heavy powder and blusher.

18 year old is wearing a light foundation that perfectly matches her fair skin and some light powder to counteract the shine.  Her eyes are defined with black eyeliner.  

When granny kisses anybody, she leaves a lipstick smear behind.  18 year old, either wears no lipstick at all, or wears a natural lightly applied lipstick that stays on her lips.


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