Fishy Fables and Tall Tales

As someone who would like to consider herself a writer, I find - more often than not - when it comes to putting pen to paper (or these days fingers to keyboard), I either can't find a thing to write about...Or, I can't put into words what I want to say (I honestly can't find the right words - sometimes the most basic of English words - a language I have spoken my entire life)... Or I just don't feel like writing .

I should start listening to people around me... I'm generally a good listener, but I tend to switch off when stories start sounding too bizarre.  But I reckon it would be worth my while to listen to their crap drivel. It would give me great inspiration in my writing. What astounds me is the way these people are so confident in spewing these words out, that many people find themselves believing them.  Which is probably the greatest form of encouragment to these Elaborators. The more people believe, the more they believe their own stories... which means they need to elaborate on their own elaborations.

I seem to be drifting off my own plot here, but it's certainly food for thought.  I've met many of these people and I turn off - sometimes interrupting them in the middle of their story because I haven't been listening, or because I'm so bored I need a change of topic.  I'm a person of honesty.  I'd rather hear the truth out of somebody's mouth than a lie elaboration an embellishment.

So back to the beginning of my thoughts... my writing and often lack of it - I think I may have found a source for future ramblings.

p.s. I really did grab a pen and paper when these thoughts came to mind.  Note to self: Carry a small notebook at all times because it takes too long to try put ideas into cellphone when my mind is ticking...


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