Life without music would B flat

I picked up my niece's guitar on Sunday, and couldn't believe how much I had missed it.  I used to play guitar as a kid.  For many years I went to guitar lessons.  My teacher's name was Lee.  My sister had been to her, then got bored and left.  Then it was my turn.  It was the one thing I never gave up a child (along with my love of drawing and painting).  When my younger sister decided she also wanted to go to lessons, my parents had to buy her a new (um, second hand) guitar.  I wasn't about to give mine up quite yet...

I was probably out of college when I started neglecting my guitar.  I think my younger sister inherited my guitar when her small one became too small and my grandfather handed me his Hondo guitar.  A beautiful guitar with amazing sound.  It looked just like this one below...

Unfortunately during the years of my ex-husband's wheeling and dealing, my guitar made a disappearance. Never to be seen again. There's 2 things I will never forgive him for "pawning" - my dad's camera he gave him out of the goodness of his heart - to explore his love of photography (cough, splutter), and my guitar. My daughter's keyboard was noticed too quickly each time and "bought back again"...

It's quite funny - my older sister's daughter goes to lessons and plays guitar (although I've never heard her - she's too shy), my son has been trying to learn, and my younger sister's son goes to lessons... There must be something in our blood that yearns to play the guitar.  My maternal grandfather was a guitar player - and he used to play the banjo too...

So many people commented after hearing me pick up the guitar on Sunday that they really feel that I need to play again... I agree.  As soon as I have a little cash together, I'll be off to buy a guitar and encourage my son to continue to practice.


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