I don't want your money honey...

I now have an earworm... A song I used to listen to many (many) years ago... On the eve of my 40th birthday, I came to the realization that as from tomorrow, I will officially be "over the hill"... I didn't mind being made aware of that- it was more the one word -MATURE, that scared me. Me, mature? Don't make me laugh! Although I'm rather looking forward to entering my "naughty forties".
Age is just a number, but its amazing how that word "mature" is still haunting my thoughts... I'm still young at heart - a hippy - free spirit. I love playing and re-living the years gone by. I'm a responsible adult, mother and always ensure I'm doing any job I'm given my full attention (even if I'm day-dreaming through many parts of it).

The song entered my head after friends had mentioned they would not be able to join me in my birthday celebrations (and mentioned by somebody else - they don't have money for a gift). My specific words we're - join me in celebrating, not come to my party with a gift. The gift is having people around me. I've never been a materialistic person (it generally slips my mind that people "expect" a gift at a party and I often arrive empty handed). If I had the money, I would spoil my guests and send them home with gifts!! It made me think, when did we become so focused on this way of thinking that they feel they need to arrive with a gift. Often when people do ask what I have (and believe me, I don't have a lot, but I'm happy with what I have) I often tell them to donate to a charity (and if that means R2 in a charity tin, my wish has been fulfilled).

I'm not saying I don't like gifts (although I have been told I seem to act awkwardly when receiving a gift), but bear in mind, if it comes from your heart, I'll love it.


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