The unconventional invasion

I have finally washed off the last of the army of ants that invaded my personal space today.

I went to buy lunch for Spike- our pet spider. Oh, I didn't tell you we have a pet spider? A Curly Tarantula to be precise.  He/she (we're not really sure if its male or female) is 3 years old and fits in the palm of my hand... well, more like overflows...  Spikey seemed a little hungry last night - I stuck my hand in the tank to fill the water and "he" seemed way too interested in my hand after being on a hunger strike for 3 weeks (don't worry- water was always filled and they can go a month without eating).

During lunch today I went and got a tub of crickets, but I had to go straight back to work, and my colleagues are not exactly welcoming of the little critters, so I thought I'd leave them outside next to the car- out of the sun, and out of the way.

I got to my car at the end of the day, grabbed the crickets and put them in the boot (on my open file of study material). A million ants flooded my file.  I grabbed the tub and dumped it on the bricks. Matty (my colleague) grabbed my file and flicked off the ants. I tapped the tub against the bricks a few more times but the ants were relentless. The tub was full of them! I grabbed a plastic packet and closed the tub in it.

Arriving at home, I took the packet out the car and put it in the kitchen. Wrong choice. The kitchen counter was invaded by ants. And the next counter. I grabbed everything and took it outside where I proceeded to relocate the crickets into a new tub - one by one. In the meantime I was being taken advantage of hundreds of tiny black insects.

I finally managed to relocate the crickets (and about a hundred ants too). I was itching everywhere. I took off all my jewellery but everywhere I went and everything I touched, there were the pesky little creatures.

I finally ran my bath (after all the kids). This time making sure I didn't run out of cold, I climbed into a lava pool... But having scrubbed and soaked and washed my hair. I am finally free of the pests.

p.s. Spikey devoured it's dinner.


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