
My favourite time of day. I was suffering from a tension headache from hell that had rendered me useless the entire afternoon. I ran the hot water. Then added the cold- as usual.  Left it a few minutes to get ready to hop in...

I turned off the cold to let the hot run again. I climbed in.


I gathered I had left the cold running instead!  I turned the cold off to run the hot. The cold was off and the hot was running - COLD. Eeeeeek, it was not exactly pleasant. I had been "ordered" to have a hot bath to help relieve the tension in my shoulders. This was turning out to be the most stressful bath of all time.

"Duncan!!!" I hollered... The kids were all in bed but that was the least of my worries. "The bath is ice cold", I managed through chattering teeth... He ran off to boil the kettle...and 2 pots of water. The first lot of kettle water was heavenly- for about 20 seconds (until it spread to the rest of the bath)... In his haste to try warm me up, my mister had left the door slightly ajar- creating a breeze- no, gust- through the bathroom. When he arrived with the first pot of hot water, I was shivering uncontrollably. After the 2 pots of water were added, I finally felt my body start to warm. I started to relax... Another kettle and 2 pots of water and I was finally able to relax- and I was at the point I was meant to be - hot and relaxed. I sunk under the water and closed my eyes. I was in my happy place.


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