Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

What makes somebody stay in a relationship where you know the other person isn’t in love with you… I can’t really answer because that. Is it because he said he loved you and you believed it? Did he ever mean it, or was it always a lie. And it he meant it, when did it start becoming a lie.

Realizing that you’ve been a relationship for so long with a compulsive liar isn’t a nice feeling. What was truth, what was a lie? You’ll probably never know. Compulsive liars are liars at heart. They’ll lie about anything – even those little things that don’t need a lie, because somehow for them the lie just seems easier. Ok, so everybody lies at some stage. I’d like to say that I am probably the most honest person you’ll ever meet, but I have to admit I have told an odd white lie or 2… White lies are one thing - like telling your child their hamster went to heaven in its sleep rather than telling him the cat ate it… but when lies become a way of life its a recipe for disaster. They have to remember the lies so as not to get caught out (and I’ve caught out many lies that way in my time) and sometimes they even start believing their own lies.

If there’s one thing I can say about me, and it can be a good thing, and sometimes bad. I am honest. This is me. What you see is what you get. No hidden agendas. Why can it also be a bad thing? Because sometimes I’ll tell a person exactly how it is. And that’s not always good – especially when I’ve made somebody unhappy.
Don’t lie about liking me – if you don’t like me – tell me. I don’t need your approval – just your honesty. I actually can still get along with people who I know don’t like me – because they’re honest enough to tell me they don’t like me! There’s nothing I despise more than a two-faced people.

It’s actually very sad to discover the one person you trusted more than just about anybody else, could never be trusted. That person who you thought you knew so well…you actually never knew at all! It’s sad. Sad for you, sad for the other person – sad all around. But at the same time – a reality check! Maybe you feel like me, and wondering when life is going to stop throwing these lessons and trials at you… but each one makes me you a little stronger.

Its sad to know that somebody else is going to fall for the same charm and there’s nothing you can do about it. They've done it before, and they'll do it again. People tried to tell you what you were getting in to, but you didn’t listen, believing the liar's version and that jealousy is the real issue here. When people who know that person tell you there’s a problem. STOP! There’s your first red flag!! Listen to them and get both versions of the story. Not just theirs. Then decide for yourself – all the time remembering to look for red flags.


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