Call me old fashioned but I still believe in fairytales

… and happily-ever-afters.  And Romance.  And men with good old fashioned values.

Don’t get me wrong.  I’m all for women’s rights and equal opportunity, but there’s something magical about a man who treats his woman like a princess.

Before you start jumping up and down waxing lyrical about how far we’ve come as a society to “allow” women to be where they are today – I’m not talking about that.  I am happy that generations of women have fought for us to have the freedom we do now.

I’m talking about good old fashioned gentlemen.  A man who opens a car door for his lady (even if she’s driving).  A home cooked meal.  A surprise picnic.  A text message at night to say good night, or a message in the morning to say “good morning – just to let you know I’m thinking about you” (After all, we live in a modern world.  We have modern technology – mobile phones and online messenger systems, why not use them to our advantage).  A man should  be proud to have the lady he has chosen at his side.   

He should make the first move.  But be in no hurry.  If she’s worth it, he’ll take his time getting to know every inch of her soul before moving forward.  A man who takes the time to find out those intimate details from the deepest part of her heart, is worth his weight in gold. That shows true respect, and shows he genuinely cares for her, and not just hoping to get in her pants.  He should know that money can’t buy love or happiness, but what woman doesn’t like flowers (a small hand-picked bunch is just as good as bought).  It’s the little things that count, remember….


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