Dodged a Bullet

I've always disliked the phrase "dodged a bullet". It always seems to dismiss the feeling you have for the other person's point of view.

This is one time I'm going to actually say... "Whew, I ...

Image result for dodged a bullet"

A few months ago I started "seeing" someone  I had previously been involved with (about a year before). I has struggled to get over the relationship, but just as I was feeling happy to move on he contacted me again. This time as a friend (or so I thought).

He kept telling me he enjoys spending time with me, and enjoys my company but he's not in the market for a relationship. That suited me just fine. I was definitely not in the market for a relationship! But as we started spending some time together, and messaging each other he kept leaning towards the side of "not just friendship". He would talk about seeing each other more... sending some very suggestive messages, then when I would mention that I'm not interested in that way, he would turn the tables and say "I think you want a more meaningful relationship and I'm just not ready to go that way". It would leave me wondering where I had led him on. But as time went on I realized he just needed a companion of the opposite sex to keep the loneliness at bay and tend to his other needs. Luckily I decided to rather quit this odd "relationship" and stay single and happy (knowing who I am and what I want).

He would always say that he doesn't want anyone knowing we're "together" (I thought he meant together as in just visiting, and I was fine with that - it didn't have anything to do with anyone else). Again, I didn't realize what he really meant.

So I walked away and was content that I wouldn't hear from him again (I wasn't giving him what he wanted).

It was quite funny to see that he's just proposed to her. He always had a rule that he waits for 3 months before introducing a woman to his family and friends. The last time I saw him (we had pizza and watched a movie... then I left and told him "this" wouldn't work) was 3 months ago. He was still trying to convince me that we should be more than friends.

I saw he'd got engaged purely by accident - I was scrolling through Whatsapp to find my niece's number to send her a message and came upon his profile. I blurted out "HA!" and had a good chuckle.

Whew, I dodged that bullet.


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