The little things to some are big things to others

Sometimes we need a reminder that all those little things you do for others really do come back to you in a big way. And often what meant so much to the person receiving was something really small to the person giving.

Cosmic Karma. People tend to use Karma in a bad way, but I've been using it in a positive way for years. Amazing how people always seem to think Karma is a bad thing.

We get told what goes around comes around. That's Karma, but people seem to prefer this way of saying or hearing the phrase.

I like to help others in small ways where I can. Often I can't do much, but a little bit of something is better than doing nothing. A bar of soap to a family in need... A shirt to a homeless person. I never expect anything in return and I'm not doing it for recognition.

Yesterday I experienced Karma.

I am Mom, Dad, Maid and Gardener. I can't afford to employ people to do these things for me. I have to do it myself.
I mowed my lawn over 2 days - Sunday and Monday late afternoon after work. Tuesday I was busy and Wednesday I couldn't get myself outside to clean up the edges... I don't have a weed eater to clean up. The edges on pavement needed neatening. The grass along the walls had grown far too high.
I used a spade to neaten along the pavement edge. It took forever and it didn't have the same effect, but it was something. After about half an hour I decided that's enough for today. I'll do some more tomorrow. I looked at the walls and my only way of doing that would be to use scissors while scooting along on my butt.
I went in for a broom to sweep up what I'd managed to do. When I came out, the neighbour's garden service were helping out by using a weed eater to do my edges. I looked at him, then turned to see if my neighbour was still outside. He wasn't but the garden service owner just said "don't worry about it." It took them a few minutes to do what was going to take me hours over a few days to do!
My neighbour walked out minutes later with a branch cutter and cut away a hanging branch that't been bugging me for days.

It felt so good to have someone do something nice for me. Something unexpected.

Something that may have seemed like something small to him, meant to the world to me.


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