Extroverted Introvert Me

I class myself as an introvert. No really... But many people disagree and assume I'm extroverted.

Just because I can teach a class, speak in front of people and perform in front of crowds, doesn't mean I find it easy. I actually often try find a way out.

I've had the comments: I wish I was as confident and extroverted as you. Fact is, it's confidence that gets me out there.  I often prefer to be alone.  But I like people too. If confused me to the point I wasn't even sure.  Then I discovered there is such a thing as and extroverted introvert.

If you find you're the type of person who likes to interact with people one day, but hide away from the world the next, because you need some time alone, you're most likely in the same boat as me.

I used to be a Pure Romance consultant.  People were shocked, because they knew me in a totally different light.  What most people didn't know about me when I left those parties was - I couldn't sleep.  I would get home late at night, exhausted.  But couldn't sleep. I'm not entirely sure why, but the next day I was so tired I'd hide out at home and avoid the outside world!

I'll do a fire show or hula hoop performance/ workshop/ party and love it.  But when it's time to leave, I don't want to hang out and socialize.  I want to go home to my bed. Sleep in late and be by myself.

I often feel that relationships have failed because the partner wants to spend time with me (couples are "supposed" to do that), and I want to be left alone often.

I'll continue to think up some excuses as to why I can't make it your party, but I've mostly got it covered with the truth - I'm really really busy making stock. I have some nice orders and a few markets coming up that will keep me busy for weeks...


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