Karma is my BFF

It's quite funny when people feel you've done them in. They go out of their way to bad mouth you to others.  Tell stories to their friends (who will believe them because stories were told about you from the beginning so these people chose not to get to know the person you are).

I always remember something an ex used to say:  If you badmouth the person you are with, it says more about who you are, than the person you are talking about.  Some people don't see that.  They prefer to see the fabricated story.  But true colours always show. It may take days, it may take years.  Those colours always come out in the end.

I've had a recent taste of this again.  People who chose to believe stories about me.  Lies. Lies spread by somebody who was supposed to be close to me.  But instead of playing victim and worrying about these people who can't be called friends, I carried on with my life, and worried about those who actually take the time to get to know me, and accept me as I am.

When you help somebody get out of the life they were stuck in.  Do things beyond all expectations (rephrase - beyond anybody else's expectations, but expected of the "wanter"), and still get it thrown back in your face... you start losing hope in people. And that's sad. I did things for this person that I did because I wanted to, and now I'm being questioned on my ethics. 

I will put it down frankly.  He/ they will know I'm referring to them, so no point in beating around the bush.

  • Me and "X" joined forces
  • I made a Facebook page to help with exposure. Left it to them to run with it, but ended up updating it anyway (because they didn't know how/ didn't have data / didn't have access)
  • I bought a domain name, and hosting for a website.  We all paid one third, even though I was not officially a partner. I built a website - free of charge, along with an online store, free of charge. In the store were products I made (which they felt they should get a cut of).
  • Things went sour.  I was asked to continue with admin, but I was no longer being given any business (business they were only getting because they were being seen due to facebook and the website) from the "company".  No sorry, I'll pass on that one.  Gave them all their log on details and passwords.
  • Went back to where I was 2 years previously and decided to once again do what I planned to do from the start. I built myself a new website, with all my products and services.  Products that I make from scratch.
  • They decided to copy my products. In the meantime the online store fell away (it was never built on their website, but on another and the link had been inserted so it still worked). Now they're mad they can't use the store I built, at my own time and cost with pictures and descriptions of my products (it is illegal to use anybody's pictures without their consent)
  • I helped "X" get things he could never get before on his own.  That too gets "forgotten".
  • The bad-mouthing continues.  The fake-ness continues, but I see through all those fake stories.
  • Karma is not going to mess with me.  We're BFF's. We have a long history watching things unfold.
I don't hold onto grudges.  But I tend to bottle up anger.  Mostly I get a little mad, then get over it.  But when things continue, and my name is still being dragged through the mud despite me really not being the bad person, I will eventually stand up and have my say.  My say is here, though.  On my blog which a handful of people read.  Not disguised as being the victim, yet again, on Facebook where everybody is going to agree with you.


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