Alpha Omega

There was a time, not so long ago when Koda was half the size of Bella. 

Bella is our 10 year old Sharpei x pit bull girl. Not officially rescued from a rescue centre, but on her way to the shelter when I took her and her brother Odie (Odie went missing last year August and despite hectic searched, we never found him - presumed stolen from our property).  Koda is our newest rescue in the household.  We adopted him from Pet Rescue in December when he was a bout 14 weeks old.  Not sure how Bella would react to him, we slowly introduced them and she seemed quite chuffed to have a new friend after being alone for 4 months.  Odie was always the Alpha, but Bella decided it was her turn, and has always shown him "who's the boss".  At the age of 8-9 months old, Koda is now twice the size of Bella, but neither of them takes note of that fact. We're still not sure what Koda is mixed with.  We have a few suggestions: Labrador / Great Dane / Weimaraner...

Being a puppy still, Koda likes to bark.  If he's barking, but Bella is not, it means there's nothing to worry about.  She has always been the alert security dog.

Last night Koda was barking at the cats from inside the house - with his head sticking out of the kitty "hole in the door" (we neatly cut a rectangle from the door, but over time the dogs have destroyed it and it is now a hole).  After a few times of telling him to stop, he finally went into my bedroom while I went to bath.  Both kids were in bed.

I sat in the bath, and he started again, this time non-stop. But a boring Woooo-woooo-woooo. Woooo-woooo-woooo. Woooo-woooo-woooo.

"Koda!!!" I yelled

"Koda stop it!!!!"


I stood up, grabbed a towel, threw the door open and marched down the hall way (we have wooden floors).

He took one look at me and ran.  I followed and caught his behind with my hand.

Bella was watching from the sides quietly.

Koda, trying to run for cover, chose his best protection yet.  He hid behind Bella.  Bella who is half his size.  He lay down behind her and gave me the puppy dog eyes he'd been giving me all day every time I moaned at him (he chews everything.  I mean everything!!). He put his head on Bella's back and I could see he felt safe there.  I told him "no more" and went to finish my bath.  When I returned from my bath, they were both cuddled up next to my bed.  Wish my phone battery had been charged to take a picture...


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