Nail Biting stuff

I have a really bad habit of biting my nails.

I bite my nails every day.  Not like I used to when I was younger (but mostly because biting nails beyond the tip becomes extremely painful).

My nails never look pretty. I used to get them done, but I'm a very hands on person so they never last long.  And the second I get a break or lift, that's it - in my mouth and they're off.

I've had a few funny experiences...
Sitting in my car one day, biting my nails. Minding my own business. I hear a "toot" from the car next to me.  I look at the driver.  He wags his finger at me, then proceeds to show me what I look like.  I laughed and waved.

Another time, somebody just leaned towards me and said, "you know, when you reach the elbow it's too late". 

My OCD cousin couldn't bear watching me for another second one day and said, "do you know how much dirt is underneath your nails".  My reply left him shocked (and probably repulsed): "I know, that's why I'm cleaning it out with my teeth".


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