Dear Future... I'm ready now

In May this year I went on a Spa getaway with my Pure Romance sisters.  It was not something I could easily afford at the time, but I worked hard at it and just made enough to pay for the weekend getaway. 
Things were bad in my relationship (even though I refused to acknowledge it), and I was looking forward to a weekend away with the girls.

I know the reason I pushed so hard to be there was nothing to do with the spa treatments I would enjoy, but rather the eye-opening talks we had on the Saturday throughout the day.  It was the beginning of an awakening journey… a spiritual journey I was about to take.  The spa treatments were just the cherry on the top (and probably relaxed me just enough to allow my mind to open and accept my path ahead). 
My Pure Romance “grand-mama”, Catherine, put together an unforgettable weekend and one of us walked away feeling it wasn’t worth it.  She enlisted the services of Barbara Scogings ( to take a good look at ourselves and all of us were blown away at the way she could “read” us all without every having met us before.  She hit the nail on the head every time.  He words to me were “you need to cry more” – and ask for help.  I did more crying in the next few weeks than I every have in my life.  But those tears washed away hurt and bad memories and made way for a happy future.

And I made new friends!!  One thing I love about being a Pure Romance consultant, is the camaraderie between the consultants.  I mean… we’re all in the same business – selling the same products and ideas, yet we rather help each other grow in our businesses.  I learnt so much about leadership.  It’s not all about finding the best ideas and keeping it to yourself, its about helping out fellow “sisters” and in the process improving myself and my business.

My life fell apart when I arrived home, but it was something that had to happen.  And I believe if I had not gone away that weekend, I would not have dealt with it the way I did.  It wasn’t just about dealing with that situation, but I learnt so much about myself and how I see those people closest to me.  I’m grateful for the fact that I went.  That one weekend could change my life so dramatically.  And for the better!!  I’ve changed the way I do so much, and I’m enjoying every moment of this fantastic journey called life.  I’ve had many hurdles in my life but I’ve proven that life’s challenges won’t beat me.  And on those days when I felt defeated, my friends and family rallied around and helped pick me up again.  The first step I took, was asking for help.  I needed it, and those who cared were there to give it to me.  A text message, and email, a phone call, a picture on my Facebook page, a visit or an invitation to lunch… everyone knew what I needed, and when I needed it the most.


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