Let kids find their own identity by being kids

My son and I were having a wonderful conversation last night. I can't remember how it started, but
we were discussing boys vs girls.

I told him about someone I had recently heard about who was discussing her grandchild, who was born a boy, but the mom wanted a girl so badly that she gave the child a girl's name, and is bringing him up as a girl. So wrong in so many ways. My son's first reaction was - that child is going to be so bullied by all the kids at school one day!

It's a whole different story if the child chooses to be that way. But forcing them is bordering on a form of child abuse.

He went on the say "I know I used to like to try on your shoes when I was younger, but that was just fun". I told him how his dad was horrified when he arrived at his house one day with a baby doll and accessories. He was probably 4 years old. I said to him, "leave him! He's a child. All it's going to prove is that he'll one day make a really good dad". He outgrew the baby doll, just like my daughter did.

He also outgrew wanting to try my shoes on.

He said, "kids should be able to be kids and play as they please. I've grown up just fine. I think it's because you allowed us to be ourselves that we are who we are today".

Smart kid! I think he's right. My kids found their own identity by being allowed to explore and find themselves.


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