Lying never pays off

It's not that I like catching people out. I just hate lying.

I don't lie so I hate being called out on a lie that doesn't exist. I've taken to accepting that I know my truth and that's all that matters, but it still hurts a lot to be accused of things I never did.

I remember knowing someone years ago who had obviously managed to get away with so many untruths. They may be small, but when there's one after another, it gets too much to handle.

Funny though when you catch them out on something they've even started believing they get upset with you. You're suddenly the bad one for crushing their dreams.

Why not just run with the things you have done. Even if they're small feats, at least they're the truth.

This person in particular got caught out with previous experience he supposedly had, but when it turned out me and my daughter had experience in the same field (which was supposed to be at a basic level) he knew nothing. His answer was always "things have changed since I did it". Um... no, I was also doing it years ago. Nothing has changed. This could've resulted in disaster as said experience meant being able to save people's lives. His excuse was "I can't help if I'm no on duty". Actually anybody in that field MUST help even if not on duty.

He also used to talk about his experience as a chef.  But kept asking me how to make cheese sauce... "forgot" to cook the onions first, adding them in at the end... Why not just say "I can cook fairly well" and leave it at that. I would've agreed with that statement, but definitely not a chef's standard.

Same person. Again. Told us how he'd been engaged to a girl from Slovakia. She apparently spoke little English and he had to learn her language. I found that fascinating as my friend had a daughter who was Slovakian. What are the chances?! Suddenly he couldn't remember one word from the language.

Another - yes another... Told people he studied fine art. I asked where, as I'd also studied fine art. Suddenly changed to: Oh no, I wanted to but I my dad never allowed me, so I couldn't.

There's probably another 5 I could list, but I think you get the point.

I suppose it's possible he really did forget all these things. Maybe got out of practice, or... you know, the mind doesn't work so well when you feed it bad things. But I found too many holes in each story.

Moral of the story: Don't lie. It always comes back to bite you in the bum. You think you're in control because you've managed to convince so many people for so long, but it will always come back to haunt you. Be proud of the good things you've done in your life. Something that seems insignificant to you, is a huge thing to somebody else.


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