She doesnt have depression


I remember reading a facebook post a few months back where this facebook friend was ranting about somebody who "clearly does not suffer from depression, yet always insists she does".

I remember thinking "how can she see inside somebody else's mind and know how they're feeling? How can she dismiss something she claims to suffer from?" and "just because the person is maintaining or addressing their illness and (I guess obviously) succeeding in finding a balance doesn't mean she's also fighting her demons daily".

I find some people who have been diagnosed (or self diagnosed) with depression or any other kind of mental health illness like to use this as a reason to always be miserable. There are so many ways to fight this disease. But they almost seem to feel that if they're happy some of the time then they won't be taken seriously.

I refuse to want to live in a world where I'm always miserable. I was diagnosed with depression at the age of 18. After many years of trying so many different types of medication, which only make me catatonic, I have come to the conclusion that I can only use natural or herbal remedies. Although this helps day to day, it also makes the fight so much more difficult as they take longer to work and on particularly rough days I don't always cope as well as I could if I was taking the "proper" medication.

I have never hidden the fact that I suffer from depression and anxiety. Yet I find people often comment that they have no idea. I suffer from social anxiety. Yet people often define me as an outgoing bubbly person. I'm what you could class as an extroverted introvert. It takes so much courage and effort to make the move to go out. Once I'm there I'll do my best at blending in and enjoying myself, but most of the time I'm plotting my "escape".

If I spend a day around a lot of people, I usually get home, crawl into bed and remain there until the next day when I know I need to get up. The next day will usually be spend very quiet.

People with depression, Bipolar disorder, anxiety or any other related mental issue will know how difficult it is just to get up in the morning.
Sometimes we've been lying awake for hours with the silliest "problem" running through our mind. Sometimes we've heard a noise and convinced ourselves that someone is trying to get in and kill us. Sometimes we just can't sleep.
Then we have to get up in the morning and pretend that nothing is wrong and go on with our day as usual.
Everyone who suffers a mental health illness will experience difference symptoms and have different experiences. Just because somebody seems to be functioning "normally" doesn't mean that they have it easy. Sometimes those people are fighting more than you could ever imagine.


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