Lessons I have learned

It's actually quite sad when you look at your past and realise that your track record with regards to relationships has never been good. 
And yes, it has been suggested to me that I may be the problem.
That's perhaps not entirely untrue... But not in the sense that you're thinking.

Or maybe it is...

I have been known to tell the guys I date that I'm not the easiest person to get along with. Giving them warning.
I told the last guy I briefly dated that he'd give up on me before I ever gave up - he disagreed... but in the end I was right.
The one before that actually turned around and told me I was a difficult person and he would never have got involved with me if he'd known - I reminded him that I had told him. He had decided that he thought I was joking... Or that it couldn't be that bad.

Maybe one of my faults is that I don't just give up.  I tend to often go for someone who is broken, or seems to be in need of fixing (that's not what I'm looking for, but I always seem to find them).

I helped an ex buy his car - the car he is still driving today.  That car is still on my name, but I wish it wasn't.  The reason being - he's disputing an amount owing for outstanding fees.  An amount he rang up over 2 years, that he now cannot afford.  I wish I never helped him out - he turned out to be a sponge in every possible way.  He drained me physically, emotionally and financially.

Its not just him... I'm still trying to financially recover from a loan an ex from many years back got me to take out to help him out of debt. He's doing just find these days.  I still have a year to go before than debt it paid off.

I have put so much time and effort in getting their businesses off the ground. Building websites from scratch, helping with marketing, doing everything I can - never expecting anything in return... But only to have them throw it in my face.

So I guess the lesson to learn here is - we're all in this for ourselves...
(I'd like to be proven wrong on that statement.)


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