"Exposure" doesn't pay my bills

Every artist/ performer and other creative person has come across this at least once in their life... The famous "we're offering you the perfect platform to show your talent... You'll be getting great exposure for your talent".
Sound familiar? Either you've used it, or you've been on the receiving end.

As performers, we've pretty much got used to the idea of being invited to functions, events and parties as the "free entertainment".

We've been lured by "business ventures" that never amounted to anything. The casual invites that end with "and bring your fire stuff".

"We'll sponsor your paraffin", and when you get ready to perform, you discover you have 750ml of paraffin between 3 people (which is a joke if you're in the know - we can go through anything from 5 to 20 litres in a night).

With the festive season in full throttle, I hear it even more often. I get invited to many new years eve parties. "And bring along your fire stuff" is never going to entice me into joining the party (maybe I'd like to chill for a change and not be expected to perform).  Reality is, I won't be joining your party - I'll be at home with my pets, making sure they're safe from those big inconsiderate bangs outside (illegal fireworks).

Friends expect a free party/ show because... well, just because.

A friend does a favour and then expects a freebie in return.
If I do you a favour, I've done it expecting nothing in return.  You should think it works both ways... but again, expectations....

I've overheard the complaint "it's just their  time, whats the problem".  Would you work 2 hours extra for your boss and be ok with no overtime pay? It's only your time...
Time that I could have been making products I actually get paid for.  That time may be the time I needed to clean my house or mow my lawn, and now I have to get someone else in to do it for me.  If I get paid for being out, I have no problem paying someone else to do it... But suddenly I have to fork out extra money.  So a day spent doing a free show instead of mowing my lawn has now cost me: paying a gardener, using petrol to get to you, and most likely having to spend some other money along the way too (I've had to fork out extra to buy food for me and the crew - it's a free show, the least you could've done was supply some snacks and a juice).

And most often, it's not just our time (even if snacks are provided). If it's a fire show - it's paraffin, it's fire equipment (which isn't cheap, and neither is spare parts and repairs). Most important - fire safety!! We are literally playing with fire!!!
LED equipment is also hellish expensive, and mostly imported - repairs need to be made overseas.
If its a day-time hula hoop or poi show, the costs are lower, but the costs of me being there instead of in my workroom put me behind with customers who are paying for a service/ product.  I then also have repairs which take me 2 hours of my time fixing and repairing broken equipment

So far, "good exposure" has never paid my bills.  Neither have I had any (good) leads from "good exposure". Most often, the person who has convinced me to be there tells their friends I did it for free, and the next person wants the same.

Stop asking and expecting freebies from friends and family.  Instead, support them. I'm sure they may consider giving you a discount, and in return you're helping somebody pay an extra bill.


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