Thank you for teaching me

I feel like I am the Queen of bad relationships.  I get told I am the problem, and realized I am the problem, just not in the way “they” meant. Reading an article a few days ago, I realize what I’ve done - after some failed relationships - is lower the bar. I haven’t felt worthy of love and affection and all things good, so I lowered the bar and accepted what came my way.  I will no longer accept that way of thinking.  If you cannot accept me as I am, then you are not worth my time and effort.  Nobody else can define me.  I am me – and only I can define ME.

People often regret their bad choices and wish it never happened.  But I know that with each of these failed relationships, I just come out the other side stronger.  


I have learned...
That can love somebody with all your heart. Deeply and entirely.  You can also fall out of love with that person and never look back.

I have learned...
That good people can turn bad.  People who were on the right path can go off the tracks and try take you down with them.

I heave learned...
That drugs and alcohol can destroy people and relationships.

I have learned ...
Skills I didn’t have before.  Exes have taught me skills that I continue to use and helped me grow myself and my business (just as I have taught them something).

I have learned...
To be thankful for all lessons learned – good and bad.  It helps us become the stronger person we need to be.

I have learned...
That when he says “I’ll take care of you”, that you may end up taking care of him. Compromise is key here – It will work if you both give as much as you take.  It does not work when one persons gives and the other takes.

I have learned...
That even when you do your best, you could be made to feel your best isn’t good enough.

I have learned...
That when you’ve helped somebody become acquire things they didn’t have, they may not be grateful and rather hold a grudge towards to you.

I have learned...
That some people never take the time to hear both sides of a story and friendships may die.

I have learned...
That friends often abandon you in your darkest hour.  Many friends who are in a relationship will keep their distance when you become single.  I know it’s not done purposely (and adultery is really not my thing), but it makes you re-evaluated friendships.  I have yet to learn to reach out and ask for help.

I have learned...
My family is ALWAYS there for me.

I have learned...
That some people feel a bad relationship is better than being single and will try convince you to get back with an ex “for the sake of the kids”/ “Divorce is wrong”... I got out of the relationship for my kids. Their lives and mine are better for it (and the fact that I no longer need to fear for our lives).

I have learned...
To never regret those past failed relationships.  They served a purpose. I would not be ME if not for them. Making mistakes is part of life.  A “stepping stone” in this journey we call life.

I have learned...
My children are more important to me than having a man in my life.

I have learned...


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