Yes sir, I can boogie

If you know my son, or have seen other posts about him, you'll know he's quite a character.  From young, he's loved putting on my shoes. Not just any shoes - the high heeled / blinged ones.  I had a photo of him  (HAD - lost it when I dropped my phone) - probably a year or so ago wearing a glitter cowboy hat, blue boa and putting on my high heeled boots.  I don't discourage it - he enjoys dressing up, and he has very strong feelings about his sexuality (he's 11 and he strongly insists he likes girls).  I always tell him, no matter what I love him. We think he may just be destined to one day be on stage.  My daughter has commented that if he becomes "Lola, the Show Girl" she'll go watch every single performance.

One of his favourite movies of all time is Kinky Boots. It ends with the song Yes Sir I can Boogie by Baccara

Oh, yes sir, I can boogie
But a I need a certain song
I can boogie, boogie-boogie
All night long

Yea you know the song...

The song is part of his playlist, and he was listening to it last night when he started giggling (i have discovered boys seem to giggle a lot more than girls - mostly at words like bum, boob and fart).

I knew exactly what he was thinking but ignored him.  Eventually he starts laughing "Mom, I'm hearing something else".  So I start singing... "Yes sir, I have boobies, booby-boobies..."

Yes, it seems that even though I grew up with only sisters (my poor lucky dad), I have learned what having boys is all about. Girls can be rude too, but boys really do take the cake

p.s I don't think boys ever really grow up...

Just for fun...


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