Be thankful for inconveniences

You're stuck behind that awfully slow driver on your way to work (needing to drop of the child along the way)... "Grrr, why are you driving so slow!?!" Then they turn up the next road and turn back along the slip. "you could've taken the previous road - it would've got you there faster, and I'd be further ahead".  You can now drive at your normal speed again.  A few blocks up ahead, coming up to the harsh bend in the road (turning right), a car misjudges the bend and comes around the bend - ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD - your side.  "Wrong side of the road!" your 11 year old "backseat driver" shouts at them.
"And that's why we got stuck behind that slow car a few minutes ago".

I often thank the Universe when an inconvenience turns out to be a saving grace.  It's the reason why I don't revel in the rage, but have my say, and stay calm.

Last weekend, I got a call from my ex who needed to renew the car licence (still in my name).  He had already been around twice - once to fetch my proof of residence, again to get a proxy form signed. Now he needed my ID. I was on the road, so told him I'd meet him at the post office and get it sorted.  I usually take a road back home which is a one way slip to the right.  I often wonder what would happen if somebody came down the wrong way.  As I continued to go straight as my route had changed, a woman came screaming around the bend and continued to drive down the one way road.  If I had gone home on my normal route, I would've met her head on.  Another reason I was thankful I had to go out of my way.

I was also recently reminded about an incident last year around this time where I fetched my son early to go fetch his school report (he goes to school a fair distance from home so it requires some planning).  I was going to take the back route, then changed my mind when I saw the highway was free-flowing... That did not last long as just ahead of us was an accident... There were 2 reasons I was thankful that day.
Reason 1: I ran into all sorts of "speed-bumps" on my way to fetch him - power outages, slow cars etc which meant we missed the accident.  A few minutes earlier and we could well have been part of it.
Reason 2: The following day I discovered that along the back route I was going to take, a woman was involved in an attempted hijacking.  That woman could've been me!
I'm not say rather them than me, but I'm grateful that it was not us.  It turned out there were no fatalities in the accident and the hijacking victim was unhurt.

What I am saying is: Be thankful for the things that made you a little late, caused you to go out of your way.  It makes me believe there is a higher power just reminding me that it's not yet my time to leave. You may see it as "man, that car I was stuck behind made me so late for work" or "I had to take a different route due to roadworks and it took me 2 kilometers out of the way"... I see it as "if it was not for that inconvenience, imagine what may have happened if it had not worked out that way".


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