Live each day as it comes

My ex husband once said something that made me realize how differently we all see the world

He was going through rehab for about the 3rd time… I left soon afterwards.
He seemed sure that this time he was going to make it through and beat the drugs.  He didn’t.  But while battling and “trying” to beat his demons… he said to me, “ I think that once I’m clean I’ll look into becoming a role model for kids”.  I probably stared at him blankly.  His reasoning “maybe this is my calling in life.  Maybe I had to go through all this to find the reason why I’m here.”.  My answer “what do you mean why you’re here?”.  “My calling.  The reason I’m alive.  Why I was put on Earth.  I'll be a motivational speaker or counselor.”  I’m sure I must’ve looked at him like he had 3 heads.  “You don’t need a reason to be here. Or a reason to be a role model. Just accept that you’re here and enjoy the life you have to the fullest.  Make the most of it”.  He answered, “ see that’s the thing with you.  You just seem to be content living a normal life without any reason to be here.  You don’t need a life purpose to feel fulfilled.” 
The way I saw it was so different.  I had my life, my 2 gorgeous children.  What more did I need? 

I discovered after that day, that many people wonder what their purpose in life is.  Maybe it’s the hippy in me (LIVE EACH DAY AS IT COMES)… or maybe I’m just content with who I am.  I am a role model without even trying... I've achieved things I never thought possible.  I never gave up. Maybe your life purpose is just to be here and enjoy what you've been given - your life.


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