Out with the Old, In with the New

It's the usual new year saying... but what better time to cut those ties and let all the things that no longer serve you go.

Last year was a roller coaster ride, and I didn't know if I was going to find a happy medium again... I'm still working on some thoughts and trying to find the best way to fit things into my life.  I'm taking my time.  It helps that I'm a procrastinator of note.

Its quite amazing how the time flies.  Just the other day I was having a "first date" with the man who is now my fiance.  Yep, he asked and I said yes...  Our 2 little families have merged into 1 rather rather plump-sized family.  3+2=5.  I know its been a while since I wrote a blog post - but didn't realize just how long!!  Things have been hectic.  Home renovations, D&D moving in, and now trying to find space for all our belongings.  Its not been smooth sailing.

I have to make a few "New Years Resolutions" - and hopefully if I put them out in the public, rather than keep them to myself, I just may keep a few of them

  1. Lose weight - I know... boring... always the same.  But I have to.  For my health and to show my son that I'm on his side to help him lose weight too.
  2. More Hula Hooping.  Not much point in telling people the wonderful benefits if they can't see the results for themselves!!
  3. Relax.  I don't know how to do that... I'm always on the go.
  4. Attend more festivals - with lots of stock of hula hoops, poi and beads.
  5. Make lots and lots of beaded items to sell.  There's so many new ideas floating in my head
  6. Always keep stock of poi and hula hoops for "right now" sales - and of course, festivals... and to relieve the stress when I get an influx of orders.
  7. Paint!!  I haven't painted in over 4 years.  I would love to start painting again.  Its the ideal way to relieve stress.
  8. Family time.  With so much going on all the time, I sometimes feel I haven't spent enough time with the kids...
  9. Finish my course.  I enrolled in an Event Planning Course in 2013, and had to put it on hold with all the madness of last year.  I plan to at least get through 10 modules this year...
  10. Write. Not just blog posts, but start writing again...  And perhaps even turn my writing into a part time (or future full time) career...
I'm sure there's more to add, and if I feel the need to, I'll add onto my list... This year is going to be another busy year - not only do I have a special birthday coming up (the big 4-0), but I have a wedding to plan too...

I wish you all everything of the best in this coming year.  May it be the best you've ever had.


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