You think your life is so tough?

Have you been married to a drug addict? Someone who sold your and your children's belongings- yes, pretty much all of them... Someone who gets wired and beats you up because he became paranoid...and then tells you and everyone else the next day that you harmed yourself- even having an answer for the shoe bruises on your back...  Plucking up the courage to walk away only to be faced with other hard knocks.

Have you then thought you would get your life back on track- moved into a little fixer-upper while he lived in his nice house in an upper class area, "living the life".

Have you struggled to keep your house because you cannot get a high enough paying job because you've been out of the "working world" for a while - because you built up your own business only to have it fall apart because you had the guts to walk away from an abusive marriage.

Did you then get into a relationship where your soft spot was noticed and once again you find yourself in another abusive relationship - this time having someone playing mind games with you. Medicating you so he can control you... and nearly walking away with your house because he tricked you into signing papers...

Finally getting out of that relationship, only to be roped into the next.... Once again almost losing everything you've ever owned because a man messes with your head, because you're too trusting- too nice a person.

Have you lived every day to make sure your children get everything you can possible give them - and no that does not include satellite TV, wifi and computers. It means love, a roof over their head, basic (public) schooling and food on the table.

Have you worked a full day of work, leaving many days feeling unappreciated, to go home: wash clothes, cook dinner, check homework, wash dishes, send kids to bed, iron clothes.... Ready for bed.... only to work on one of 3 part time businesses you're involved in - just to earn some extra petrol money.


You wouldn't last a day in my Pep-store shoes... shoes I'd gladly wear because I love my life. I love it because I've made the decision to love it. Yes, you may get me down sometimes, but I'd much rather be living my life than yours. I know my children appreciate what they have, because they know they've had to go without so we can survive... They value life and the hard work that I've put into keeping them where they are. They weren't born with silver spoons in their mouths, nor handed everything because they demanded it.  They'll know that hard work pays off in the end.

At least I know my friends are my true friends and love me for me, not what I have or my status in the community.  I have been knocked down too many times to remember, but each time I get up stronger than before.  I wouldn't change my life for all the money or social status in the world...

Who is this addressed to? Every person who has tried to destroy my *sparkle*, every person who has knowingly or unknowingly tried to bring me down.  Everyone who cries about their "hard" life, but never actually know what difficult times are actually about (not being able to afford the latest model car because your old car is 2 years old and you need a new one does not constitute as difficult times). If you've read this and felt I wrote it about you- then maybe I know "if the shoe fits".  But the fact is, this was not written by me to you, it was written on behalf of everyone who is fighting a struggle that you (yes YOU and the next person) know nothing about.


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