Your size doesn't define your beauty

It's sad that so many people spend half their lives trying to become the "perfect size".

I mean, if it's what you want to do, then go for it. But if you struggle with your weight, and in order to lose a few kilo's you become miserable, then is it really worth it?

I'm not the kind of person who wants to go to the gym every day or watch every calorie I eat.
Some people are. I'm not, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. 

My son had to lose weight a while back, but his weight was hindering him. At 13 years of age, he was unfit. When he slipped and broke his back and his arm, he had to lose a little weight. In his case, it really was for his own benefit. Seriously, how does someone break their back walking down the hallway at home? He has since lost weight and gained a lot of height. He doesn't have the kind of body where he can just be naturally thin. If he wants to be thin, he needs to work at it.

I have a similar problem. I've spent years worrying about my size. Being told nobody will ever love me, let alone like me if I'm large. And even being told, the only man I'll ever attract will be a large man because "he can't attract a smaller lady". I was told that by a family member.

I dated a guy many years ago who made it clear that I was not allowed to gain weight. He certainly kept my weight in check, but I used to be so worried I'd pick up weight.

The next 2 guys I dated were both feeders. There started my weight problem all over again. I've always been big. But when you love food and you're being fed all your favourite things, along with being told how beautiful you are, you keep eating. And with that, you keep gaining.

I've never been able to lose that weight. And it bothered me for a long time.

Until one day I decided that I don't actually care what everyone else thinks me. I decided that I could starve myself and do exercises I hated and be absolutely miserable. Or I could eat moderately sensibly (I still eat healthily and try not to overdo it too much), and be happy.
I chose happy. If I exercised more I'm sure my body would thank me more. It's not that I don't want to, I struggle to find the time so I do what I can, when I can.
If you don't like my size or my body, that's your problem not mine.
I wear my body with pride and confidence.

That confidence is often what attracts the opposite sex. Not looks. Not size.

When I'm having a bad day with clothes, and not really "feeling it", I make sure my underwear is rocking it - even though I know nobody else is going to see it. I know it's there, and it makes me feel good.

Let your beauty shine through. You need to believe there's more beauty inside you. Find it and let the world see it.
Love your body and respect it. It will love you back. You will not believe the positive effect your positive attitude will have on your mental health.
Don't let anybody make you believe you are worth any less. And if they do, walk away
Again - if you want to lose weight and get fit - do it for yourself.


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