The Hypochandriac

Hypochondriacs. We've all known one...

Hell, I've dated one.  I also discovered where he learnt it from when we had to take his mother to the doctor...
The same person used to google his "symptoms" daily.  As you can imagine, he was convinced he was dying.  He "had" everything from gall stones, to heart attack, to cancer. I became immune to his woes.  He accused me of being very unsympathetic because he needed me to rush him to hospital one day while he was "having a heart attack", and I needed to fetch my kids.  I rolled my eyes at him and told him he probably has indigestion or acid reflux.  I eventually made a deal - I'll take him to the closest clinic and leave him there while I fetch the kids.  He was not impressed (apparently he was supposed to come first in my life).  As I predicted... He had acid reflux.

A-choo - a sneeze from the office next to me. (Note: I had just sneezed 2 minutes earlier myself). Voice from the office: I must be getting a cold.... Makes sure they walk through looking terrible... not even an hour later, walks out the office " I nearly passed out I was so dizzy. Its the flu." Said person's aircon is on...

Nobody likes to be sick (well, that's my thought... but it seems some people really do!!).

A bit of flu and suddenly a person can't even talk. They drag their feet around the office, croaking when talking, and everything is a mission.  Same person has been off sick at least 6 times in the year they've worked there. I haven't been off sick that many times in the almost 6 years I've worked there.

Amazing how different people are.  Maybe it's because my children see I'm not sympathetic towards hypochondriacs... My daughter is one of those people who is allergic to just about everything. But she carries on regardless...
My son woke up so sick this morning.  He went to sleep 3 hours early last night, and slept 2 hours later than usual.  He's been sleeping at his grandmother's all day.  He actually wanted to go to school.  I was so worried about his high fever last night I moved him into my bed.


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