
Showing posts from April, 2016

Actions speak louder than words

You hear the saying your whole life, and you know exactly what it means, but you don't always fully appreciate the accuracy until you realize that you keep getting told something, but it never happens. If you make a promise, stick to it.  If you tell somebody you're going to do something - Do it! That's it.  Don't make excuses. If you haven't met your end of the "deal", then don't say it in the first place.  If you can not carry through with every little promise you make, the best thing to do is be honest and rather say "I don't want to do it", or even if you do want to but not sure if you'll be able to... "I'd love to be able to promise that I can do it, but I just don't think I can". I've had promises made on my behalf... Yes, seriously.  I've had phone calls and been told "I was told you'd be able to help me this week with xyz ".  I usually stand there with my mouth hanging open wonderi...

Sugar Daddy

I've been staying in my house for 10 years.  Since I've lived there, I've had so many wonderful plans for the house. My parents helped me tile the kitchen soon after I'd moved in (I leaned against the tiled wall and 3 tiles went crashing down behind me).  Another few knocks on another wall and about 20 tiles fell down (some attached to each other by grout, but not to the wall!!).  They had a few tile left over from their tiling job, so bought a few extra boxes and sorted out the kitchen,. Over the past few years my house is showing signs of wear and tear.  I have an old house - you know the type with pressed ceilings and wooden floors (with "crawling space" beneath the flooring).  With the help of my parents, we have so far repaired an entire collapsed floor (mostly my dad's handiwork), and fixed a  few of the other collapsing floor (due to damp and termites). The current job is painting and kitting out my daughter's bedroom.  There's so much ...