In pursuit of Happiness

It's been months since I've written a blog post.  I've had nothing to write about.  Nothing that stirred inside me.  Nothing inspiring.  Nothing thought provoking.  Nothing.

We chase things our whole lives.  Always looking for something to make us happy.  Sometimes we fall into such a deep, dark depression, we may not even realize it at first.

How do we know what we're looking for?  Or when we've found it?  I would say that when it feels right and it continues to feel right, and makes you happy every day, then you've found it. I'm not sure if I just haven't found it, or it was taken away from me.

Sometimes people spend so much time trying to make everybody else happy.  If it makes that person happy, then by all means they should continue doing it.  But if you're doing it hoping that the other person will love you / praise you / be thankful, then you're doing it all for the wrong reasons.

You need  to be happy within yourself before you can make other people happy.  If you're unhappy within yourself, you're just going to bring everyone else around you down with you.

If you find your happiness, keep it. Don't let someone take it away from you.

p.s This post started as something else entirely.  The word "HATE" is floating around in my head.  I despise the word "hate", but lately I'm find it far to easy to use, and that upsets the easy-going, chilled out person I am inside. I will not allow the hatred to consume me, instead I will focus on all the good things in life.  I see the light at the end of the tunnel, but have to be patient.  I am being taken for a ride by more than 1 person, but I will conquer all the obstacles and once again I will be free to take control of my life.


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