Soap in my eyes

Tonight I got soap in my eye... Well, conditioner. I lay back in the water and washed it out. It made me think about how differently the kids handle soap in their eyes.

The eldest: girl. 17. I have no idea when she last got soap in her eyes. She's pretty much been independent since she was 8. When I got divorced. She probably does the same as me (she has picked up a lot of my traits).

2nd: Boy. 11. "Mom.... Mom! MOOOOOOMMMMM!!" "What?" "I got soap in my eyes".  Well there's no much I can do about it. Wash your eyes with water. Use a face cloth" "ok..."

Youngest: Boy. 9. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" if no reaction, again at a higher pitch. One of us usually runs in because it sounds like he's bring attacked by "something". My "deal with it" approach doesn't work and the screeching continues. So I send in his father. They both shout at each other but in the end calm is restored.


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