My little old lady, Bella...

Bella is my dog. She getting fussed over a lot lately because her brother went missing 3 weeks ago. Not a trace of him. No phone calls, no Odie at the shelters, no body lying on the side of the road. Nothing. As morbid as it sounds, if he was no longer of this earth, I would rather find his body. It would be closure. At this stage I'm going through every possibility that exists. From "he's been taken in by a loving family who are not online and don't go out much and don't know to report him to a shelter..." Well, you never know... to "somebody thought he's a pitbull puppy and taken him for a sinister reason" to "dog fighting bait" and even "maybe he's running around a taxi rank eating pap en vleis and getting fat". Fact is... he could be anywhere - dead or alive. Bella and Odie have been with me since I moved into my house more than 9 years ago. They were 5 week old brother and sister pitbull/ sharpei cross. ...